Getting started
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The Insights feature provides users with data analysis tools to make the best use out of access to a wealth of first-party data provided on the platform.
As a Brand, you can build custom “audiences” based on customer attributes and first party data. “Audiences” can be leveraged to understand customer behaviour better, and quickly identify traffic stream differences and opportunities, enabling you to slice and dice your data in whatever way you’d like.
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Where To Begin
When you access Squaredance, you'll notice a new tab called "Insights" on the sidebar. Click on this tab to get started. This will bring you to the main Insights page, where you can begin exploring and analyzing your data.
The first step is to build a crowd, which is like scooping a bucket of data from our vast ocean of information. You can think of a crowd as a specific subset of data that you want to focus on. There are three main constraints you can use to build your crowd: advertiser, campaign, and affiliate. Depending on your role in the platform, you may have access to different constraints. However, campaigns are available to everyone and serve as the backbone of our platform.
Let's start by selecting your campaign. From there, you can continue filtering the data by other criteria, such as advertiser, affiliate, funnel, country, lead source, and browser. You can be as specific as you want, filtering out data until you have the perfect mix for your analysis.
Once you have refined your crowd and are satisfied with the data you have selected, give your crowd a name and create it.
Exploring Your Data with Audiences
Every crowd starts with a baseline, which represents the average of all the data in your crowd. This baseline serves as a benchmark for comparing different audience segments that you will build later. It's a great way to gain insights into audience performance.
Now that you have your crowd, it's time to slice and dice your data even further using audiences. Think of audiences as smaller segments within your crowd that you can analyze in more detail. You can create audiences based on the same attributes you used for building your crowd, such as advertiser, affiliate, or funnel.
For example, you could create an audience for Facebook users from Ireland. This allows you to compare this specific segment to the overall baseline. If you have multiple audiences, you can easily hide or show them using the eye icon, making it easier to focus on the data you want to see.
Analyzing Your Data
With your crowds and audiences set up, it's time to dive into the analysis. Start by exploring different events and see what insights you can uncover. For instance, you may discover that Facebook and Instagram perform well, especially in certain countries or regions.
By comparing metrics against the crowd baseline and paying attention to the darkest colours on the chart, you can identify the best-performing elements at various stages of the funnel. For example, you might find that Instagram delivers high engagement, making it an ideal platform to invest more in.