Getting started
Technical Docs
This article is a guide for Shopify users who have adopted Checkout Extensibility for their storefront.
For brands on Shopify who have migrated to Checkout Extensibility, we have created a custom purchase pixel that you can directly inject into your Customer Events settings. Follow the steps below to add the purchase pixel, and start tracking conversions. Please note, even with a Squaredance App integrated campaign, you will need perform the steps below, if you have migrated to Checkout Extensibility.
Step 1: Go to Customer Events within your Shopify Settings
Step 2: Create a Customer Event pixel dedicated for the Squaredance Purchase Pixel
Step 3: Grab your Pixel Tracking Domain and Init Value
For this step, you will first need to retrieve the following information from Step 9 of your campaign setup
- The tracking domain within the pixel (should be on line 16)
- Please get the whole url between the brackets, for example it should look like:
- Init value within the pixel (should be on line 18)
- Please get the whole string between the brackets, for example it should look like: stzKXbRyHKI1gkUQYz2nPlk8zgY3HKkPdjXsdOFcvv6_9g9B5avpuKFfl_lZQ4cM2zNaHZt_JdLTPMGq-xVeiIQgweYf2CeuG9wFsfmZQ8~
Step 4: Copy the pixel below, and replace the placeholders with the information you retrieved above
// Purchase
analytics.subscribe("checkout_completed", function(event) {
try{squaredanceCart=JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent("{{cart.items|json|url_encode}}"))}catch(e){} !function(j,u,m,b,l,e){var n="jumbleberry",i="3.2.3",o=function(){o.v==i&&o.e?o.e.apply(o,arguments):o.q.push(arguments)} ,a=encodeURIComponent,t=decodeURIComponent,d=j.location;(o.push=o).l=!1,o.q=[],o.v=i,o.duid=function(n){return( n=n&&u.cookie.match(RegExp(t("%5Cs*")+n.substr(0,21)+"id=([^;]+)")))?t(n[1].split(".")[0]):""},o.g=function(n,i){return!!( i=RegExp("^[^#]*[?&]"+n+"=([^&#]+)").exec(i||d.href))&&t(i[1].replace(/\+/g," "))},o.s=function(n){for(var i=Math.round(( new Date).getTime()/1e3),t=d.hostname.split("."),r=t.length-1;0<r--&&/^(([a-z0-9]{4}-?){8}|[0-9]+)$/i.test(n)&&n!=o.duid( o.p);)u.cookie=o.p.substr(0,21)+"id="+a(n)+"."+i+".0."+i+".; path=/; max-age=63072000; domain=."+t.slice(r,t.length ).join(".")},o.i=function(n,i,t){if("init"==n)return[o.u=o.duid(o.p=i),o.s(o.h=t||o.u)];t=t||{},(n=u.createElement( "iframe")).src=o.d+o.p+"?hid="+a(o.h)+"&uid="+a(o.u)+"&event="+a(i||"")+"&transid="+a(t.transaction_id||"")+"&oi="+a( t.order_index||"")+"&ctx="+a(JSON.stringify(t)),n.height=n.width=0,"display:none;visibility:hidden", n.sandbox="allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-scripts",n.referrerPolicy="unsafe-url",(u.body||u.head).appendChild(n)}, o.m=o.e=function(){var n,i;!j._RNGSeed&&o.i.apply(o,arguments)&&(n=u.createElement(m),i=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0], n.src=o.d+o.p+"?hid="+a(o.h)+"&uid="+a(o.u)+"&v="+o.v,n.async=!!o.h,o.e=!1,o.q.unshift(arguments),j.addEventListener( "beforeunload",n.onerror=function(){o.e=o.i;for(var n=0;n<o.q.length;++n)o.apply(o,o.q[n]);o.q=[]}), i.parentNode.insertBefore(n,i))},j[n]=j[n]||o,j[n].d=b}(window,document,"script","CAMPAIGN_DOMAIN_HERE");
jumbleberry("init", "CAMPAIGN_INIT_VALUE_HERE", jumbleberry.g("sqdid") || jumbleberry.g("click_id"));
var checkout =;
var firstItem = checkout.lineItems[0];
var content_ids = {
if (item.variant && item.variant.product && return;
if (item.variant && return;
var contents = {
let contentId = item.variant && item.variant.product && ? : item.variant && ? :;
return { id: contentId, quantity: item.quantity, item_price: item.variant.price.amount };
var coupons = checkout.discountApplications
.map(function(discount) { return discount.type === 'DISCOUNT_CODE' ? discount.title: null; })
jumbleberry('track', 'Purchase', {
order_value: checkout.totalPrice.amount,
currency: checkout.totalPrice.currencyCode,
content_name: firstItem.title,
content_type: firstItem.variant.product.type,
content_ids: content_ids,
contents: contents,
num_items: checkout.lineItems.length,
coupons: coupons
- *Zoomed in view to highlight the placeholders that need to be replaced. Please make sure to copy the retrieved values in step 3, and paste between the quotation marks.
Step 5: Paste and Save the pixel in the newly created Customer Event
- Press connect if its the first time creating the pixel
- Press save after you pasted the pixel (top right)
Step 6: Test your funnel
Now please grab your test link on platform, open up an incognito window and test again! After a successful test, your campaign should be ready to launch!
On this page
- Step 1: Go to Customer Events within your Shopify Settings
- Step 2: Create a Customer Event pixel dedicated for the Squaredance Purchase Pixel
- Step 3: Grab your Pixel Tracking Domain and Init Value
- Step 4: Copy the pixel below, and replace the placeholders with the information you retrieved above
- Step 5: Paste and Save the pixel in the newly created Customer Event
- Step 6: Test your funnel