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Technical Docs
Adding Custom Pixels & Postbacks
Once you’re approved to run a campaign, you can navigate to the pixels tab of the campaign to start working on integrating your pixels
Placing a tracking pixel
Once you’re in the Pixel window of your new campaign, you’ll see two options, Edit a Global Pixel and Add a Pixel.
Global Pixels:
You use a Global Pixel to place a conversion/purchase pixel that fires globally across all your approved campaigns on the Squaredance platform. Because pixels placed here will fire across all campaigns, they should be configured to ensure that the data received by your tracking platform is correctly recorded. Currently, the Global Pixel can only support a single postback URL, but it can support multiple image, iframe, and JavaScript-based pixels.
Add a Pixel
Add a Pixel lets you place an HTML (JavaScript, iframe, or img) and postback URL to track/capture an event or conversion. Pixels placed here only fire for the specific campaign.
Types of Squaredance Pixels
Event Pixels
We support multi-event tracking through our proprietary tracking platform, which uses pixels placed across all our campaigns on the network. Depending on the campaign, some can place event pixels, and some can’t. We are capable of tracking and recording the following funnel and data events:
Funnel Events • Engagement - Pixel event for Presell or Prelanders • Lead - Pixel event for Landing page or Main page • ViewContent • InitiateCheckout • AddPaymentInfo • Purchase • Upsell
Data Events • CompleteRegistration • AddToCart • RemoveFromCart • Decline
You can check which pixels a campaign supports by going to Campaign -> Pixels -> Add a Pixel to see the available events.
Purchase (Conversion) Pixels
Purchase pixels need to be placed separately from event pixels on the Squaredance platform due to the way we track conversions. We use a series of front-end and back-end technologies to fire and track the conversion as accurately as possible. Because of this, we require our affiliates to place their Purchase pixels separately from their event pixels. This can be done by selecting Fires At and selecting Purchase.
Macros You can use several types of macros to return tracking values to your tracking pixel and platform. They are: The following are: • UserID – This is a transaction value or HitID value that we associate to a click. • Campaign – The Campaign ID value • Event – Dynamic Event Name (this will dynamically insert the event name fired on page) • C1 – The value you are passing through the link on C1 • C2 – The value you are passing through the link on C2 • C3 – The value you are passing through the link on C3 • Payout – Your Payout Amount for the campaign • Random – A random set of numbers
General Pixel Instructions
When adding a tracking pixel to a specific campaign or globally, make sure to copy and paste the exact code or URL generated from the platform. This helps to avoid any syntax errors caused by programs like Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
Step 1
To add a pixel, select Add in (Add a Pixel) or Edit (Global Pixel). Make sure to label the pixel clearly so that you can remember what was placed.
Step 2
Determine where you need this pixel to fire. Remember, pixels are supported for events or for conversions/purchase only depending on the funnel and the campaign.
Step 3
Select how you want the pixel to fire. As mentioned earlier, we support HTML-type pixels (JavaScripts, iframes, and images) and postback URLs. Most campaigns support HTML-type pixels; however, a few campaigns only support postback URLs. You can also conditionally fire your pixels based on the sub id values that you pass in the funnel link.
Step 4
Once you select the appropriate format, insert the pixel below. When inserting an HTML/JS pixel, the code itself highlights to show any syntax or broken tags in the pixel.
Step 5
Add any specific Macros that you need to pass back to your platform. If nothing else, hit Save. You’ve now added a tracking pixel to your campaign.
Testing Postbacks
After being approved to a campaign, you may want to test your tracking platform's postback integration with our platform. Please follow the steps below to check if the click id of your tracking platform is correctly being passed to the Squaredance platform.
Step 1
Open your tracking platform's test link (example - in a new incognito window. If the first page is a presell, please click through the CTA button to land on the offer page.
Step 2
Now, you can go to your SQD reports and select today's date like shown in the screenshot below. Also, group by the sub id that you're using to pass your tracker's click id or transaction id value.
For example, if you're passing the click id or transaction id in c1. You can see your tracking platform's click id in the reports tab on the platform as shown in the screenshot below. Please copy this value.
Step 3
Select a campaign, go to pixels and copy the pixel that you want to test.
Example -
Now, replace xxc2xx with the click id that you copied from step 2. Also, replace xxpayoutxx with 0 and txid with a random number.
Step 4
Open it in your browser in incognito window. Now you can see a test fire on your tracking platform.